PT Asiatic Persada oil palm
Basic information
Sample name: PT Asiatic Persada oil palm
Reference: T. Maddox, D. Priatna, E. Gemita, and A. Salampessy. 2007. The conservation of tigers and other wildlife in oil palm plantations. Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia (October 2007). ZSL Conservation Report 7:1-62 [ER 2068]
Country: Indonesia
State: Jambi
Coordinate: 2° 37' S, 102° 45' E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark
Geography comments: "approximately 90 km" southwest of "the city of Jambi" possibly north of Surulangun (basis of coordinate)
Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest
Altered habitat: plantation
Substrate: ground surface
Habitat comments: data are for palm oil plantation sensu stricto only
plantation "formed in 1979" and expanded until 1996
no description of climate
plantation "formed in 1979" and expanded until 1996
no description of climate
Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals
Sampling methods: quadrat,automatic cameras
Sample size: 369 captures or sightings
Nets or traps: 16
Net or trap nights: 1111
Camera type: digital
Cameras paired: no
Trap spacing: 0.5
Sampling comments: "a mixture of 'Camtrakker' and 'Photoscout' cameras were used with passive sensors" with cameras "set up randomly... in grids of 16 camera in a 4x4 configuration, with 500m spacing between cameras... left in position for one month, giving a maximum of 496 trap nights (16x31), if every camera worke on every night.. The grid was left in three different areas of the oil palm for one month each, providing a total of 1111 camera-trap nights"
data for the entire concession including all habitats and for the entire landscape including the plantation are also given; these data include traps "used to target tigers" but the current survey includes randomly placed cameras only
opportunistic sighting data are also reported
data for the entire concession including all habitats and for the entire landscape including the plantation are also given; these data include traps "used to target tigers" but the current survey includes randomly placed cameras only
opportunistic sighting data are also reported
Sample number: 2009
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2016-05-23 11:06:03
Modified: 2016-05-23 01:06:03
Abundance distribution
8 species
2 singletons
total count 369
geometric series index: 12.6
Fisher's α: 1.442
geometric series k: 0.4421
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.3122
Shannon's H: 0.7079
Good's u: 0.9946
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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Helarctos malayanus | 1 | 32 kg frugivore-insectivore |
Hystrix brachyura | 7 | |
Macaca fascicularis | 2 | 4.0 kg frugivore-folivore |
Prionailurus bengalensis | 37 | 3.4 kg carnivore |
Tupaia glis | 1 | 150 g frugivore |
Paradoxurus hermaphroditus | 7 | 2.4 kg frugivore-insectivore |
Sus barbatus | 11 | |
Sus scrofa | 303 | 54 kg herbivore |