Molossops greenhalli (bat)
Mass: 19.0 g based on LaVal 1969, Valdez and LaVal 1971, and Bernard 2001
Diet: insectivore based on Ochoa et al. 2000 and Bernard 2002
Abundance: 0.11%
Habitats: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (1) only
Found in one sample
Brazil: Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project Reserves 1501 and 1401
Size measurements:
♀ body mass | 17.3 g | N = 1 | LaVal 1969 |
♀ body mass | 22 g | N = 1 | Valdez and LaVal 1971 |
body mass | 18.0 g | N = 1 | Bernard 2001 |
See also Molossops, Molossops neglectus, Molossops temminckii